The "Old man of the Lake"

The "old man" of the lake is a tree that floats around in the lake. Can you see the tree trunk below the water?

This is one of the signs around the lake talking about history of the old tree. It says " Look closely for Crater Lake's most remarkable traveler - a 35 foot (11 m) tall, barkless tree trunk known respectively as the "The old man of the lake" Since 1929, and probably longer, the Old Man has been voyaging around Crater Lake propelled by caldera winds and currents. His erratic course may cover up to 4 miles (6 km) a day, depending on the weather. The Old man's destination remains a mystery."

Wow, I'm tired. I think it's time to call it a day and head back on to land and head home.
I hope you learned something today.