What happend to all the stuff that came out of Mt Mazama?

This is a picture of the look out site at the Pumice desert which is 6 miles away from Crater Lake! The eruption of Mt Mazama created the Pumice desert, this is just one of the areas with the volcano's left overs. The Pumice desert was created by the ash flow from Mt Mazama, it remains a desert because pumice (the rock that was left all over the ground) has very few nutrients which help plants to grow. Without nutrients and good soil plants cannot grow and that is why there are not very many and it is still considered a desert.

This is a close up of the sign at the look out. Can you see how the lava flowed down and how the pumice cloud is above the ground? That is how the Pumice desert was made. The little picture of the rocks is what the ground looks like. There are many little rocks all over the ground.
These rocks are made up of pumice, a very light rock that has a lot of holes in it. This picture shows how the rocks are all different sizes. It also shows a tree that lives in the desert even though it is hard to live there.